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How to Eat Healthy on the Go!

There will be times, in everyone’s life, where you will be on the road for more than one day. I don’t travel much, so, in the past, I would answer this question without really much experience on the subject. As most of you know, I took a trip to Tennessee this weekend (Friday-Monday) to see the Tennessee Titans game for my birthday, my beautiful girlfriend Laurie did an amazing job! With this trip, I was faced with a lot of the problems and difficulties a lot of yaal may face on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Even if you are on the go daily, these tips could help you as well! So, here’s my tips on staying on track!


  • Before we left on Friday, I made sure to prepare all of my protein for the next couple of days. I made 3 different meals a day worth of chicken, steak, and turkey. Then came the vegetables, thats easy though, just chop up a big thing of asparagus. Now, you already have Fridays meals cooked, and Saturday - Monday chopped up into a zip log bag, frozen. Why no carbs? Well you could bring a crock pot with you but lets face it, if you go out to eat any, you’re going to be able to get your sweet potatoes, oatmeal, or rice. So only worry about the meals that aren’t easy to get on the road. Which is clean protein and vegetables. MAKE SURE YOUR HOTEL HAS A FRIDGE TO KEEP YOUR UNCOOKED MEAT AND VEGGIES IN!


  • Yep, remember the uncooked meat you’re going to be putting in your fridge at the hotel, cook it up in the AM, we actually got lucky and 2 out of the 3 hotels we stayed in had a stovetop already, so we didn’t have to use the griddle those days. BUT we brought with us nonstick cook spray and seasonings for our meat and veggies!


  • A good way to knock off a whole meal worth of things to cook and save money doing so, is make sure the hotel has free breakfast. We used and they can filter your search to these specific needs, but most nice hotels have both anyways. Also, notice a said a “good” gym, because a lot of the hotels we scrolled through on the website had only cardio equipment for their “gym”, so make sure they have at least a set of dumbbells. We got lucky on each of our hotels and they had cables as well!


  • Remember the food your cooking on the griddle? On-the-go is the perfect time to eat it, whether it be traveling for one hour or nine, eating the protein and veggies will keep you satiated enough to where you wont have to stop at a fast food place!

Heres a run down of what a day looked like for me on Saturday!

*Fasted Cardio*

Meal 1: Hotel Breakfast (Eggs, waffles, greek yogurt)

Meal 2: 6 oz chicken, 4 asparagus

Meal 3: 6 oz steak, asparagus

Meal 4: Restaurant (8 oz steak, sweet potato, rice)

Meal 5: 6 oz turkey, asparagus, avocado

Meal 6: 6 oz chicken

So, in conclusion, just bring a bunch of protein and veggies, everything else will come, enjoy your time wherever you’re going! Don’t be afraid to enjoy wherever you’re eating at, life is too short for that! Get your protein in, and let the rest of the calories follow !!

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