Do carbs make you fat?
"Any time I eat lots of carbs, I gain weight and get fat", "I can't even look at a piece of cake without gaining weight", "I'm going to do keto because carbs make you fat", is it true? Do carbs make you fat?

If you want the short answer, it is......NO WAY!!!!
When most of us think of carby foods, we tend to think of our favorite treats such as cakes, fries, pizza, donuts, king cakes, French fries, etc. BUT when you look at the fat content of these foods, which makes up about half of the total calories, you begin to realize, maybe it isn't carbs, maybe it's overall calories like Dylon has said this whole time! These fried "good" foods, are fried in oil and batter to make them taste so good, which makes their fat calories skyrocket!
Then we have other foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, veggies, fruits, etc. Which are mostly all carbohydrates but get the same bad rap as the crappy foods listed previously. The problem also is that people tend to think these foods only taste good with a little butter or sour cream on the potatoes, or some dressing on that salad.....
"Carbs make me fat" need to be replaced with "carbs and fat mixed together in foods that are super easy to overeat on make me fat"
Any excess of food, carbs or fat, will cause weight gain. Calories matter. But its way easier to over eat on donuts, cakes, fries, and buttery bread than on large amounts of rice, veggies, and sweet potatoes. 🍠 Just like I tell my clients, IT IS SO HARD TO OVEREAT ON HEALTHY FOODS. Try it sometimes. A huge sweet potato with a pan of butter and a dash of cinnamon would still be fewer calories and less fat than a large donut that you can easily eat 2 or 3 of.
Do not get me wrong, "treat" foods and healthy fats should be in your diet. MODERATION AND CONSISTENCY IS 🔑.