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The sad truth about "diets"

Too many people spend their entire life trying to lose more weight. The crazy part is, no matter how much I preach the importance of weight lifting, most people still only do cardio.... When the truth is, when you focus on getting stronger; you lose more fat, build lean muscle, and love your body and the way you feel.


I'm going to give you the secret to lose fat, I don't care who you are this is the way your body loses "fat"... It is crazy simple too.......Be in a calorie deficit..... Write that down, study it, understand it. So first, find out how many calories you burn a day (here's a link for you to give you an idea of how much) thats called your BMR

-- So, once you've done that, add in any exercise you do, (don't add any if you didn't move all day) and subtract 200-400 calories, no more than 500. For example, mine came out to be 2,100 calories, I burn at least 500 calories working out so I'll add 500 to the total. So all day, I burned 2,600 calories....If I wanted to lose weight, I'd eat anywhere between 2,100 and 2,500 calories on a consistent basis. (Undestand that your body works on such a larger scale than one day, I couldn't eat 2,100 calories M-Th and eat 4,000 on the weekend and expect progress. Have treats set out throughout the day, eat a lot of protein (your body weight in grams) and love what you do. Here is what diets do:

Paleo: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Keto: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Whole 30: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Vegan: Weight Watchers: restricts food you eat so you consume less caloriesrestricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Atkins: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Nutrisystem: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Mediterranean: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Zone Diet: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Low Fat: restricts food you eat so you consume less calories

Starting to see a pattern? In conclusion, do NOT go on a diet, they are useless and temporary if you don't wanna do them for the next 5 years. Instead, eat 80% Whole Foods high in nutrients, and 20% treats, but make them fit your calories for the day! So what are you going to do starting now?

1. Eat lots of protein

2. Get off your fad diet

3. Love eating again, you're not a dog, you shouldn't reward yourself with treats.

4. Figure out the amount of calories you burn daily, if you wanna lose fat, eat a little less, if you wanna gain, eat a little more, EASY!


GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! If you have any questions, hit this button right here! I'm alway here to answer your questions !

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