Plantar Fasciitis... 😫
Probably the most common injury for gym goers, especially if you're a runner. It happens quick too, sometimes no warning signs, no nothing, just one morning you wake up and your heel hurts and is throbbing. Well, let's talk about why, and how to fix it.

Plantar Fascia is a ligament on the bottom of your foot that connects the heel to the front of your foot. Plantar Fasciitis is a stress injury that occurs when that fibrous material becomes inflamed (to put it simply). But what causes that to happen? Well, a multitude of different things can cause it... here's a few.
you have a high arch or flat feet
tight calf muscles
tight achilles tendon
changes in your workout (more running on hard surfaces)
weight gain
improper shoe support
you walk, stand, or run for long periods of time
your feet roll inward too much when you walk
So, now that we know what it is, and what causes it, let's talk about treating it. First off, the best thing you can do is figure out which of the causes above is likely the reason for the excessive amounts of strain. More than likely, just running on softer surfaces more frequently will help most cases. So, try running on grass or a track instead of the concrete, and try doing other cardiovascular activities such as rowing, skiing, biking, etc. Icing the heel, especially the first 72 hours of pain will help as well. More importantly, stretch those calves, here are three stretches specific to plantar fasciitis pain
1. Gastroc Stretch
How to: Stand facing a wall with arms extended, palms flat on wall at shoulder height (a). Step your injured heel back until the knee is straight, and the heel is flat and the foot is turned inward slightly (b). Without lifting the heel or bending the knee, press your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the calf of the injured heel (c). Switch sides and repeat.
2. Doorway Stretch
How to: Stand a foot away from a door with your hands on the door for support (a). Step the uninjured leg forward and the injured leg back with the heel flat on the floor. Then, turn the injured foot slightly inward (b). Slowly lean into the door so you feel the stretch in your calf (c). To make the stretch more intense, lean forward more (d). Switch sides and repeat.
3. Stair Stretch
How to: Stand on a step with your heels hanging off the step (a). Keeping your knees straight, slowly let your heels drop until you feel a stretch in the calves (b).
I hope this helps everyone! If you need anything, you know where to find me! Don't forget, the weekly workouts are right here